Rights & Duties
Rights & Duties
- Designate, identity or refer to themselves as “National Olympic Committee of Laos” (NOCL) which designation or identification shall be included or referred in their names.
- Send competitors, team officials and other team personal to the Olympic Games, Asian Games and SEA Games in compliance with the Olympic Charter.
- Benefit from the assistance of the Olympic Solidarity.
- Use certain Olympic properties as authorities by the IOC and in compliance with Rules 7-14 and BLR-14.
- Take part in activities led or patronized by the IOC, including continental and regional Games.
- Belong to associations of led or patronized by the IOC.
- Formulated proposal to the IOC concerning the Olympic Charter and the Olympic Movement, including the organization of the Olympic Games.
- Give their Opinion concerning the candidatures for the organization of the Olympic Games.
- Participate, on request from the IOC, in the activities of the IOC commissions.
- Collaborate in the preparation of Olympic Congress.
- Exercise other rights as granted to Lao by the Olympic Charter or by the IOC.